Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bruce's 70th Birthday Ride, Monday June 16th

A new club member, Bruce Clark, is celebrating his birthday here in the valley and doing a celebratory ride up the Kank. He's looking for some company on the ride Monday June 16th. If anyone is intested in joining him please contact his wife Carol at the e-address below. The info on the ride and Mr. Clark is in the mail message below.

From: "Carol Nicklaus" ">>

Dear Glenn,

My husband--an avid cyclist, among many other things--has celebrated his last nine or ten birthdays by spending a few days in NH, and riding the Kank, round trip, on his birthday, June 16. This year is his 70th (!!) and we're planning a four-day bash with a bunch of friends, staying in North Conway at Junge's Motel (our usual haunt) from Friday the 13th through Monday, the 16th, the "Actual Birthday."
Only one of his regular hard-core biking buddies is able to be there this year. Abe Wroblesky is renting us a tent, and suggested that I contact you all to see if some of your members might like to join The Birthday Boy on that Monday ride... Abe may have already mentioned this to one or two of you. I know Bruce (Clark, my husband) would be absolutely thrilled to be part of a "group ride" on his birthday!
I have to throw in here that Bruce has been a "serious" cyclist for almost twenty-five years. He represented Connecticut in last year's Senior Olympics in Louisville, and has won medals for a couple of years in both the Texas and Connecticut Senior Games--a gold and a bronze this year in Texas, and the CT Games are tomorrow morning, so we'll see what happens there! I know he'd be embarrassed at my "bragging on him," but just wanted to let you know that you wouldn't find yourselves dawdling along at "geezer pace"... The day after we get back, he's heading to Colorado for two weeks to do the Bike Tour of Colorado... Hope you can get back to me and let me know if there might be any interest from your members, ... Hope to hear from you soon!

Carol Nicklaus

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