Let's ride to THE BASIN on SUNDAY August 17th
With the Sunday forecast looking PERFECT, let's go for a ride in the SUN on Sunday!
The Saturday forecast just isn't a good bet.
The Basin is a great ride!!! - It is a small glacial lake surrounded by mountains southwest of Evans Notch.
Meeting Place: Grassy park next to the North Fyreburg Fire station. This parking area is on the corner of Route 113 and South Chatham Road (near the intersection with Harbor Road). Do not park at the fire station which could block access to the firefighers.
To get there from North Conway - Drive over Hurricane Mountain Road, then at the end turn left onto Green Hill Road. Follow this north for about 5 miles. The road will intersect with Route 113 in North Fryeburg (the name of the road changes to South Chatham Road) The parking area is on your immediate right side.
When: 9:00 am ready to ride
Carpool from Glen: Meet at Dunkin Donuts at 8:15 am to carpool
The route: We will ride the sunny flats of the turf farms and potato and corn fields, then head up Union Hill Road, New Road and 113 North to The Basin for a picnic lunch.
Bring: Picnic to eat lakeside at The Basin; water, snacks. There is no place to buy food on the way.
How far: ~30 miles
Tougher option? Go up Evans Notch from the Basin. It's only a mile, but it's a steep one.
Here is a map for the ride:
Don't forget: Pump your tires, lube your chain, carry a spare tube, patch kit, tire irons and pump.
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